We offer lots of fun sessions and events throughout the year for tots aged 0-4 yrs and their parents/carers.
It's a great way to play, interact, meet new friends and share time together.
Sunday Tots @ Headingley - Sundays 10.30 - 12noon
Our fun créche for under 5s meets during the service, 10.30am – 12noon, every Sunday in the Green House
Tots Groups (term-time only)
Café Tots - Tuesdays - 10am - 11.30am, meets at the The Green House Café, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Headingley
Tots @ Cragg Hill - Mondays – 10am – 11.30am, meets at Cragg Hill Baptist Church, Horsforth
Tots @ Headingley - Wednesdays – 10am – 11.30am, meets at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Headingley
(followed by optional lunch at The Green House Café)
Both these sessions include lots of toys and craft, coffee, cake, snack for tots, singing and a Bible story
£2 per family (to include one adult and one child), or £2.50 for larger families. We accept card or cash
There’s more!
We also run a number of other special events throughout the year such as socials, Easter and Christingle Fun sessions
During the summer holidays we meet for “Tots Picnics” at Meanwood Park and Horsforth Hall Park playgrounds
Please “like” our Facebook
page for all the latest news and events
Or contact Kate Burkett for more information: T: 0113 2754989
Kate Burkett, 02/06/2024