Cragg Gathering

18 Cragg Hill, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 4NU
Sunday mornings 10:30
We are a strongly community and family minded group with close ties to the local residents and churches in Horsforth. We have a wide spectrum of members ranging in age from babes-in-arms to those who are ‘rich in experience’ and all form a family atmosphere when we meet together. We have a growing youth in the church with activities each Sunday: Cup Cakes for 1-4s ,The Muffin Gang 5-10s, and Doughnut Gang 11+.
We hold regular community days where we open the church building to the local community and provide activities and refreshments to anyone who wishes to join in. Popular offerings in the recent past have included a skip for any rubbish and unwanted clutter and a charity car wash (in support of the Sethani Project in South Africa).
There is a weekly Friday ‘Drop-In’ where anyone is welcome for a cuppa and a bacon butty or sausage sandwich (other fillings are available) which has developed links with the local community group and the retired community in the area.
We also have a set of allotments as part of the church property and these have been eagerly tended by local residents and community groups.
Cragg seems to run on a slightly different timetable to the rest of the world and has a very relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Don’t worry if you’re running 10 minutes late…that’s just ‘Cragg Time’!
There always seems to be cake on offer.
To find out more get in touch with the Church Office by clicking HERE.
Also available
DropIn @ Cragg
The church is open every Friday morning 10:30-12:00 for sandwiches and friendship. Come along and join us, for information contact the Church Office
Photograph © Copyright Rich Tea and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.